Diane Discovers Roundup Zine #2

Hard launch/relaunch, coming to NYC, and other bits and bobs

Diane Hatz


Hi all!

I hope your summer is going well — and isn’t too hot. Even here at 7,200 feet in Santa Fe, it’s a little too toasty for me…. Hopefully, you are in a pool, ocean, or air conditioning.

I’ve been working on the Rock Gods & Messy Monstersrelaunch (info below), finishing up the sixth draft of the sequel to it, and refining a pitch for an event I’d like to do. I’m still helping with dog adoptions at Espanola Humane once a week, and I’m starting to figure out next steps once my sabbatical (as I’m now calling it) is over at the end of this year. Or early-ish 2024….

If you didn’t see my post on social media, I’m coming back NYC! I’m hard launching (relaunching) my book on October 11th in New York City at the Bowery Poetry Club (because everything’s harder in NYC…).

If you’re in the area, please come! I’ll send out an official invite shortly but you can RSVP at https://bit.ly/nyc-rgmm

Book Relaunch



Diane Hatz

Author. Organizer. Inner activist. Looking for answers one pen stroke, meditation, and road trip at a time. Rock Gods & Messy Monsters out now.